I'm Siti Nur Izzati, Ty for short. 20 y/o. I'm perfectly imperfect. Totally broken inside but try harder to rebuild myself. Thanks for those that keep supporting me, for those who keep critizing me also a big thankyou for your concern :) Keep enjoy reading, copycat are not allowed. Thankyouu :D


17 June, 2010

kenapa rase etu maseh bertakhta ?

cik t ,
help me . !
kenapa dea maseh lagy ak shyunk . ?
kenapa shyunk t0h tk nk pegy jauhjauh . ?
kenapa ak tk bule nk hilangkan semua rase tu . ?
kenapa . ? . kenapa . ? . kenapa . ? !!!!!
please tell me why . i'm tired . s0 tired .
kenapa shyunk t0h nk dera ak . ? . dera perasaan ak . dera aty ak .
kalau pun pintu aty neh tk t'buka buad sesiapa , t0l0ng lah lenyapkan shyunk t0h .
kenapa . ???????????!!!!!!!!!
setahun da berlalu . setahun ak bkn lgy milik aty dea .
tapi kenapa setahun t0h tk bule lenyapkan segala-galanya . ?

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